Keep our focus on our relationship to Christ and His enabling power. If we are concerned with His approval, we will be less concerned with the approval of others.
The Lord has an end game in His plan. After the judgment of the nations, the entire world will be united at the inauguration of King Jesus.
These are universal qualities produced by the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer who walks by means of the Spirit and is led by the Spirit through faith.
Although the Bible teaches salvation through faith without works in the Old Testament, many had distorted its message to one of works righteousness. It was in this context that the…
God not only forgives our sins, He also will not remember them.
The prescription for God to heal the nation: 1) “...humble themselves...” 2)“...and pray,” 3) “and seek My face...” 4) “...and turn from their wicked ways,”
Be encouraged today with the hope that comes from knowing Jesus will return, bringing us a new earth and heaven!
God works in all things for His purpose and glory - even through seemingly small actions of His people.